Wednesday, February 19, 2014

A word on education, from Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill wrote the classic, Think & Grow Rich. I am reading it for the umpteenth time, and came across the following which I think is important to consider:

Successful men*, in all callings, never stop acquiring specialized knowledge related to their major business, 
purpose, or profession.

I have attempted to live by this philosophy, and encourage you to do the same. There are many ways to accomplish this:
  1. Reading books: While there was a time when there were very few performance and risk books available, this is no longer the case. We have published several, as have others. You should strive to have a library you can rely upon.
  2. Reading articles: The Journal of Performance Measurement(R) the leading provider of articles on performance and risk, though other publications offer them, too. To keep up with the latest thinking, you should make an effort to review these publications.
  3. Training: The Spaulding Group offers training on performance measurement and risk, as do others. This is an excellent way to gain additional knowledge.
  4. Conferences: Our Performance Measurement, Attribution & Risk (PMAR) conferences are the leading performance conferences in the industry. We hope you choose to join us in Philadelphia (May) and/or London (June) to expand your knowledge and have a great time doing it.
  5. CIPM Program:  I'm not sure the program was intended to be a training vehicle, but it is. Many have found it to be a great way to acquire additional knowledge (as well as achieve the certification). As you may know, we offer both training and prep materials for the program.
A very long time ago I stumbled upon the term "life long learner," and decided this was a worthy pursuit. I think we all can benefit from striving to broaden our knowledge, especially in our chosen field of employment.

* Please excuse Napoleon's choice of words; this was written roughly 80 years ago. Today he would no doubt word it "men and women."

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