"The only answer I can give you to your question about why the work I do with small business is so important to me is, I don't know. I do know it's important, though. More than anyone could imagine. And it's important because I have made the commitment to do it. Why I made the commitment to do it is beyond me. It was just there; it showed up. And it was more than just interesting. It was compelling. It was elegant. It took my breath away. And I didn't make the commitment all at once. It took time. All the rest is a fairy tale."
Substitute "performance measurement" for "small business" and I think this statement applies to me. Clearly my love of math helps. I have come to love the three Cs (change, controversy, and confusion); the folks I've had the pleasure of working with; and we can add a 4th C: challenges. It is an increasingly important part of the investing world, and I'm "jazzed" to be part of it. As our firm's tag line reads, "Performance Measurement is our Passion." It truly is. My story is a bit longer, of course, but I think this summary sufficiently explains why I do what I do. And so, why are you in this segment of the business?
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